Mrs. Blong,

I was hoping to have a minute of your time to discuss the YMCA expansion project with you. I first want to state that I am not anti-YMCA. I am a product of the YMCA childcare system in Odessa and there is a need in our community for these types of facilities. With that being said, I feel like there is this huge push to develop this property without looking at the safety impacts on the community. During the recent planning and zoning committee meeting several problems were brought up revolving around this development. Due to those issues, the request for plat approval was denied in a 5-0 vote. Some city officials pushed for its approval, while a gentleman from the city that is over road development (Gabe) expressed his concern and ultimately requested denial. These interactions can be witnessed on the planning and zoning video from that day. The city has been put on notice in public record that this is unsafe. There were several other concerns that were addressed as well. The bottom line is that the roads and infrastructure out here have not been developed to handle the traffic and will not be for a very long time. One of the roads they plan on using doesn’t even have a center stripe. There are no gutters, sidewalks, curbs, only rough road edges and the YMCA has stated that they will be hosting around 1,000 people per day in phase 1 on these roads. That’s not even including the traffic increase from future expansion. There is no light at the end of either of these streets. I’m not sure if you are aware, but you must travel approximately 1 mile up these roads to get to the YMCA’s location. This build a YMCA first and then deal with the infrastructure approach is dangerous and potentially deadly for the people driving to the facility and the people of this community. The other problem is the issue of rezoning. The YMCA has flip flopped on its services because the land is designated AE. They won’t apply for a rezone because the neighborhood will vote it down. There is major concern with them not being held accountable if they do not abide by the guidelines that they are allowed to operate under with it’s current designation.  Who will hold them accountable? I have already been told that opposition to the YMCA is not a popular stance in some circles, but this is not about not supporting a YMCA, this is about the safety and responsible growth of the community. I was shown an email from an undisclosed council member that stated this was happening whether people liked it or not and alluded to the fact it was political. How low of an individual is that person for ignoring the safety of Midland residents to look good politically. That is not why we vote people into these positions. I implore you to watch the planning and zoning concerns that led to their denial and I ask that the proper steps be taken before plat approval is reconsidered. You are also our representative. The community relies on you to make good judgments on their behalf. A vote for plat approval is not in the best interests of the community as it is currently being presented. Our entire neighborhood is against this approval until the proper steps for road development, light and sound pollution mitigation, and a traffic light have been satisfied. I would love to be able to speak with you about this over the phone when you have some time. I once again implore you to look at the facts and make a decision based on the facts. Please help keep the people of district 7 and the patrons of the YMCA safe and stop this madness.

Thank you,
John Burkholder